Maryborough Central State School (MCSS) has a strong commitment to quality schooling. It is the seventh, oldest, operating, State Primary School in Queensland in the year 2025. Established in the centre of the heritage town of Maryborough, in 1862, MCSS is 163 years old. This history means many happy memories for many families with some being second and third generation families of our school.
Our focus is on delivering the vision of the Department of Education striving for 'equity and excellence' in everything that we do. At MCSS we focus on the whole child and support each child to succeed through an inclusive model that supports educational achievement, wellbeing and engagement and culture and inclusion.
MCSS is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school, meaning we have a whole school approach to supporting and managing behaviour through a system wide lens. Our rules of respect, effort, safety, and self-responsibility form the cornerstone of our school wide approach.
We use data as our point of truth for monitoring the progress of every student through behaviour, attendance, and achievement.
MCSS works closely with other schools in the cluster to advance important initiatives, to build staff capability and to provide enhanced learning experiences for students. Transitioning prep aged students from local kindergartens begins mid-year with connections made by our early years staff.
Our strong links to the adjoining high school means a smoother transition for our students leaving to attend secondary schooling keeping them 'on track for success'.
As a strong advocate for all things community minded, MCSS works with several cultural, social and community groups to support all families that attend our school. We offer playgroup for 0-5years, wellbeing groups for P-6 and deadly choices for our indigenous students. We are seen socially to promote our school and this strong level of support through our digital media page. Our hashtag of #kindcaringcentral features throughout our posts and is a slogan that is regularly used by our students and school community.
With a strong and active P&C we offer another level of wrap around support that cares for student wellbeing and the continual engagement and valued involvement of parents within our school. P&C support the running of the tuckshop and organisation of a range of special events throughout the year. They provide financial support to the school for the purchasing of new resources and write grants to advocate for future projects and funding.
As a school we offer the eight learning areas (LAs) of the Australian Curriculum (AC). As of 2025, our journey into rolling out version 9 of the AC begins. All students learn English, Mathematics, Science, HASS (History and Social Sciences), HPE (Health & Physical Education), Technology (design & digital), The Arts and LOTE (Language Other Than English) - Japanese.
We value add to students learning through additional explicit writing lessons, ICT computer lab lessons and online learning utilising a range of digital devices.
At MCSS we support students extra-curricular sporting and musical pathways through involvement in local, district and regional events. Students participate in annual school sporting carnivals that then allow them to reach representative levels. We offer instrumental music through concert bands and strings ensemble for students from Year 3-6. These students attend eisteddfods, community concerts and school concerts lead by specialist music teachers.
Year 6 students play a key leadership role in the school as School Captains, Library Monitors, Student Council members and House Captains. We rely of these students to model expected behaviours and promote MCSS with pride.